
Celebrity Status

Someone online sent me a music video.

Normally I’m not one to listen to music like “Ke$ha” but the title of her latest song was, “Praying.” This intrigued me enough to give the song a listen.

I was blown away by it. Kesha is seeing the first lights of the gospel.

This poor woman has been to hell and back–and that’s no short statement; she really has.

She sold her soul to ‘Dr. Luke’—Lukasz Sebastian Gottwald—in exchange for fame. She was forced to commit sexual acts. This is all very real and I encourage you to research it if you have the stomach. [Editorial Note: At the same time, I’m sure the Lord would approve of us note dwelling on the sins of her past.]

Kesha Sebert attempted to break free of the Satanic covenant she entered into. She tried to terminate her contract with music producer, “Dr. Luke,” telling the courts that he had sexually assaulted her.

The court judge—an obvious minion of Satan—did not believe Kesha, and forced her to continue her contract with the man who had assaulted her. When the contract ended, Kesha drifted into obscurity. Now, four years later, she releases this:


Lyrics worth mentioning:

Oh, sometimes, I pray for you at night

Someday, maybe you’ll see the light

Oh, some say, in life, you’re gonna get what you give

But some things only God can forgive

This is the girl who had for a decade endorsed—in her music—drinking and promiscuous sex. Worst of all, Ke$ha geared these songs towards teenagers. This occurred in the prime years of Youtube stardom; every young person who used internet at the time was sure to have seen her music videos. On my mission I even heard missionaries singing her songs. This place is about to blow-ow-ow, I’d hear them in the shower.

The lyrics to her hit singles, I’m afraid, are too X-rated for a blog such as this. However, let it be known: In 2017 Kesha is now praying, and telling other people to pray.

The reason I’m writing this post is because it’s worth mentioning that all of this seems to be in pattern. Something is happening.

Recently, superstar Katy Perry has admitted that she is ashamed of her music.


I believe that these celebrities are being prepared by God to receive the fulness of the gospel.

I believe the the elect of Israel are people of status and position. There is a reason God endowed them with gifts of talent, and subsequent success. They are famous for a reason. Some will use these talents for a great good. Who will they be? I don’t know, but it seems likely that Kesha Sebert is one of them.


Categories: Uncategorized

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